Friday, August 20, 2010

Cleveland Comic Dedicates a song to LBJ

I found this video on Dave Hyde's blog. He credited the song vaguely and erroneously to a coffee shop singer. Perhaps it is better that way, instead of giving the guy free publicity, but in fact this song is performed by Cleveland comedian Mike Polk, who is an avid Cavaliers fan and has even done a Cavaliers preseason special on Fox Sports. His claim to fame are Youtube videos, including the Hastily Made Cleveland Tourism Videos which landed him on TNT, where he made another one dedicated to their NBA broadcasts. Nothing to get worked up about, just a comedian trying to make name for himself:


  1. Shit, I said the word "sledge" and I got banned. I need your support as I had once given you

  2. I looked in my registered e-mail and it actually said I had a 48 hour suspension... that is probably the case with you. WIth that being said, I think everything I said after that was getting moderated and I couldn't get a comment in for quite a while... I will mention this.

  3. Im bak on buddy, thanks.

    Question of the day?

    Will Beasley thrive in Minny? Hes got competition with Love, Johnson and Brewer
